Diamond Sponsors


The future of the Open Web is Composable

Bryan Gruneberg
Bree Benesh

Aug 16th 9:00am MDT (50 min)

Headless CMS platforms and tools are becoming increasingly centralized. The problems with the walled content gardens of Social Networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc are becoming the problems of the Web more generally as content management moves more and more into SaaS based products.

SaaS-model CMS tools are selected because - from am operational perspective - they are offten hassle free. But we are trading our freedom to host and manage our content where we want, using the tools we want, for centralized content monopolies. The Open Web is under threat.

With our deep backgrounds in Open Source software, Bryan and Bree will explain why they believe that Composable Architectures deployed on a Composable Web Platform represent much more than just developers separating front-end and back-end tools. Taking a broader view, a Composable Architecture that leverages an Open Source Composable Web Platform can liberate and empowers developers to create specialized stack of tools - which are just as easy to deploy, maintain, and scale as the available SaaS tools . Containers, Kubernetes, and Lagoon make it easy for developers to choose an Open Web friendly approach, easily hosting the tools they need, in an Open Source based platform.

We propose to run this as a collaborative session between amazee.io and Workshop Orange.

-- Bryan Gruneberg from Workshop Orange - a fully remote digital consultancy - will cover why Workshop Orange believes that amazee.io is the Composable Web platform for businesses and developers who care about the Open Web.

-- Bree Benesh from amazee.io will explain Lagoon (the Open Source application delivery software) and the versatility of the amazee.io platform which supports multiple languages, apps, and frameworks. 

Attendants will learn about amazee.io's developer-friendly approach, and how the platform enables easy design, deployment, distribution, modification, and decommissioning of specific parts, providing the desired flexibility. 

Together Bryan & Bree will demonstrate to participants how a Composable Web project made up of a NextJS frontend, a headless CMS backend, and a Python based additional service, all running in the same Open Srouce hosting and application delivery stack.

Silver Sponsors

Chapter Three

Bronze Sponsors

Flock of Moons
Kanopi Studios
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